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Problem D for Train 2

Задачу добавил: elena

Успешно сдано решений: 14

Problem D. Distinct colors
Author: A. Klenin

Input file: input.txt     Time limit: 2 sec
Output file: output.txt     Memory limit: 64 Mb


Colors on computer screen are represented by (r, g, b) triplets, where r, g, b are integer intensities of red, green and blue components.

Two colors (r1, g1, b1) and (r2, g2, b2) are distinct if min(|r1 - r2|, |g1 - g2|, |b1 - b2|) >= D.

Your program will be given N (not necessarily distinct) colors. It must either calculate K new colors that are distinct from each other and from all initial colors, or determine that it is impossible.

Input file format
Input file contains numbers N K D followed by N triplets ri gi bi, representing initial colors.

Output file format
Output file must contain K triplets rj gj bj, representing resulting distinct colors. If there is no solution, output must contain a single number -1. If there is more than one solution, output any of them.

0 <= ri, gi, bi <= 255 for both input and output colors,

0 <= N <= 256, 1 <= D, K <= 256

Sample tests
Sample input 1
2 1 10
255 100 100
100 100 255
Sample output 1
110 110 110

Sample input 2
2 1 200
255 100 100
100 100 255
Sample output 2

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